Psychological Philosophy and the Creative Mind Series
PLATO was a philosopher who lived approximately 2400 years ago. In very simple terms, he taught that true REALITY was something different than what most of us experience, which he claimed is only an illusion. It actually takes a conscious (intelligent) mind to IMAGINE what he describes, which is quite backwards.
This is the old but familiar philosophy of “…Life is but a dream,” expressed in the simple song, Row, Row, Row Your Boat. No, Plato did not write that song. The original crew from the Star Ship Enterprise did not write it either.
MANY people believe in this philosophy. That we are presently living an ILLUSION. Wow.
If that is so—that dog or cat that you enjoy hugging or petting or holding on your lap?
It’s not real!
Your mother and father and sisters and brothers?
Your spouse and children and grandchildren?
Your friends?
Make believe.
It’s just one big fairy tale.
An illusion.
Well—I’m not going to go there. My best guess is if you choose NOT to pay them, you may end up someday trying to convince yourself that prison is just a dream too.
MANY people believe in this philosophy. That we are presently living an ILLUSION. Wow.
If that is so—that dog or cat that you enjoy hugging or petting or holding on your lap?
It’s not real!
Your mother and father and sisters and brothers?
Your spouse and children and grandchildren?
Your friends?
Make believe.
It’s just one big fairy tale.
An illusion.
Well—I’m not going to go there. My best guess is if you choose NOT to pay them, you may end up someday trying to convince yourself that prison is just a dream too.
Plato compared our life to living in a cave. That what we are presently experiencing is merely a SHADOW of true reality, which is represented, of course, as existing outside the cave. BUT—and here is the kicker—SOME people CAN, according to Plato, experience this REALITY. In his book, the Republic, he basically says that the STATE (government) and those with KNOWLEDGE (academia, which would now be not only leaders in education, but has also come to include most church leaders of the various religions) do experience reality (outside the cave).
Plato’s philosophy, (that many of us have been taught to revere…go figure) and later philosophies based on his that followed it and were even more extreme, allowed for governments, religion, colleges and university leaders, and even the media to CONTROL those of us IN THE DARK.
Here’s the scariest part:
we have allowed this.
Now—you have to understand that a student, say, about third grade level today, knows MORE than the majority of people in Plato’s day. There were a few very intelligent people in his day, but the majority was not. Some intelligent people ran with Plato’s philosophy and kept the majority IN THE DARK for years. Pay attention—for 2400 years!
We each have in us a certain desire to be LED. It’s LAZINESS, actually. While each of us has the ability to make our own decisions for our own individual lives, it’s so much simpler to let somebody else do it. And then we complain about how horrible things are. WAKE UP!
Plato’s philosophy, (that many of us have been taught to revere…go figure) and later philosophies based on his that followed it and were even more extreme, allowed for governments, religion, colleges and university leaders, and even the media to CONTROL those of us IN THE DARK.
Here’s the scariest part:
we have allowed this.
Now—you have to understand that a student, say, about third grade level today, knows MORE than the majority of people in Plato’s day. There were a few very intelligent people in his day, but the majority was not. Some intelligent people ran with Plato’s philosophy and kept the majority IN THE DARK for years. Pay attention—for 2400 years!
We each have in us a certain desire to be LED. It’s LAZINESS, actually. While each of us has the ability to make our own decisions for our own individual lives, it’s so much simpler to let somebody else do it. And then we complain about how horrible things are. WAKE UP!
Most of us today, even the poor, have cell phones. Heck—even many third graders have them. I have heard it said that these phones each have more computer power than what NASA used to send a rocket to the moon. I don’t know how true that is, but I do know this: those of us with cell phones have at our fingertips MORE KNOWLEDGE than that which was contained in the greatest of libraries in Plato’s day and well beyond it.
When we need a specific answer to ANY question whatsoever, we do NOT have to walk for days to the nearest Library, assuming that we were even worthy to be allowed access, and then search through hundreds or thousands of books or manuscripts or scrolls to find the right page, the right paragraph, the right sentence to answer our needs. We “Google it.”
We are very quick to gripe and complain about things not working the way we wish on our phones. I am no different. I’ve complained quite often. We have been taught that KNOWLEDGE is POWER. We really need to recognize what great POWER each of us has available at our fingertips.
We are very quick to gripe and complain about things not working the way we wish on our phones. I am no different. I’ve complained quite often. We have been taught that KNOWLEDGE is POWER. We really need to recognize what great POWER each of us has available at our fingertips.
But here’s what I’m getting at: despite our present day KNOWLEDGE, (or individual POWER), we still ALLOW certain so-called LEADERS to make decisions for us that WE SHOULD BE MAKING ON OUR OWN.
Why are so many of us STILL IN THE DARK? It’s time to turn the lights on. We could together use our cell phone flashlights. Let’s get out of this proverbial cave. Let’s be REAL. Really. There’s absolutely NO REASON for us to allow others to keep us in the dark. We have within us the POWER to choose our own destiny—yea!—to CREATE our own experiences in reality. |
AH—but will we?
Copyright ©2015 Gabriel Strump